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Melisoth is a Dark Viscount in the court of Kronos. His command consists of three divisions of spirits. He has a compelling voice that wispers in your ear like a trusted confidant, urging summonors and suplicants towards greater efforts. He teaches tenacity, management, and industry, promising riches and recognition to any who heed his words.

For those with the sight he appears as a gaunt man with black sclera, glimmering gold pupils, and fingers with entirely too many joints. His threadbare wings are wrapped around his shoulders and drape down his sides like a tattered shawl.

Melisoth is not the first Demon of Overwork, nor shall he be the last. Any Demon to hold this Word will eventually unravel themself into it. It may take decades or it may take eons, but no Demon of Overwork shall ever be permanent. This shared sense of mortality gives Melisoth a particular insight into the human condition that even his fellow Impudites lack. However, rather than letting Melisoth empathize with mankind, his insight fills him with contempt. With only a finite existence to shape eternity, the demon despises even the hint of indolence.

If you call this demon, be quick and to the point or he will find something to keep you occupied.

Melisoth, Demon of Overwork

Impudite of Fate

Corp Forces: 2 [Str 3, Agi 5]
Eth Forces: 5 [Int 12, Pre 8]
Cel Forces: 3 [Will 8, Per 4]
Word Forces (Overwork): 6


  • Impudite of Fate
  • Impudite of Nightmares
  • Demon of Overwork


  • Knight of the Winged Chariot
  • Captain of the Infernal Hourglass
  • Baron of Book of Days (20th Century)
  • Viscount of Billable Hours

Songs: Attraction (Ethereal/3), Calling (Corporeal/4), Charm (Ethereal/4, Celestial/3), Draining (Celestial/5), Dreams (Corporeal/4, Ethereal/3), Entropy (Ethereal/3), Numinous Corpus (Claws/3), Tongues (Corporeal/3)

Skills: Computer Use/3, Detect Lies/3, Driving/2, Emote/2, Engineering/3, Fast Talk/5, Knowledge (Management)/3, Lying/4, Medicine/2, Seduction/5, Singing/2, Tracking/1

* Melisoth has no actual interest in copulation, but he’s more than happy to bait people to courting him.