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Sigil of Andrealphus - GoetiaPsi is a newly fledged Demon of Lust, but due to his inability to get laid, he already considers himself a renegade. Whether or not he has been granted a Word I leave as an exercise for the GM, but if he has I would suggest Nybbas (not Andrealphus) as his sponsor.

While most Lusties see unwilling virgins as marks whose desires are there to be manipulated to the demon’s own ends, Psi sees them as “his people.” They are his source of support when he is down, and his “minions to rule” when he is feeling full of himself. He cannot aid them in their search to get laid, but nurtures their hatred and bitterness towards “Chads” and “Stacys.”

Psi has his own slang for referring to the bands and choirs – usually by referencing an Archangel or Prince that he considers particularly virile. Seraphim are “Mikies,” Cherubs are “Daves,” Impudites are “Andies,” &c.

“Impcel” Psi, Self-Proclaimed Patron of Incels

Corporeal Forces: 2 [Str 4, Agi 4]
Ethereal Forces: 3 [Int 7, Pre 5]
Celestial Forces: 2 [Will 5, Per 3]
Word Forces (Incel): 2 [optional, GM choice]

Vessel: n/a
Role: n/a

Songs: Attraction (Corporeal/3), Calling (Corporeal/4), Charm (Corporeal/2, Ethereal/2), Dream (Corporeal/2, Ethereal/2), Form (Ethereal/3, Celestial/3), Numinous Corpus (Eyes/3, Tentacles/4), Sensation (Ethereal/4)

Skills: Computer Use/3, Emote/2, Fighting/2, Firearms (Pistol)/2, Lying/3, Psychology/2, Seduction/2, Small Weapons (Knives)/2

Attunements: Shedite of Lust

Discords: Cold Blooded (Odious)/3, Jaded/1, Obsessed (Sex)/1