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Sigil of Andrealphus - GoetiaThe case of Farrow Offord is something of an interesting one because it appears completely different depending on one’s point of view.

To his employer(s) and and fellow government workers, Farrow Offord appears to be a single, competent if constantly overwhelmed worker who goes by the username “Fr04.” He tends to work remotely and is pretty good at coming up with reasons why meeting in person or even via video will somehow result in worse outcomes than submitting digital tickets and awaiting his response.

To the Frog Collective, “Farrow” is a creative fiction that they came up with collectively in order to score bigger, more professional contracts. Contracts they use to keep the lights on at their combination love shack, hackerspace, and social club. When in-person meetings become unavoidable, Farrow will typically ride T-pole for the duration of the event.

While the Frog Collective was always a hangout for programmers, it took a lot of careful pruning and corrupting for the demon Farrow to turn it into the decadent sex collective it is now. While everyone in the inner circle knows the basic “Fr04” passwords and protocols, the contracts are generally managed by the team member Farrow is possessing (or someone the demon is fucking while they work).

Farrow Offord [7 Force, Nuisance]

Corporeal Forces: 2 [Str 5, Agi 3]
Ethereal Forces: 3 [Int 7, Pre 5]
Celestial Forces: 2 [Will 4, Per 4]

Songs: Attraction (Ethereal/4), Memory (Ethereal/4)
Skills: Athletics/3, Bureaucracy/4, Computer Use/4, Detect Lies/2, Electronics/3, Emote/3, Fighting/2, Seduction/3

Attunement: Shedite of Lust

Servants: Lilly (hacker) 4/1, T-Pole (dancer/sysadmin) 4/1, Bull (bouncer/programmer) 4/1

Discord: Lust/1

Farrow Offord [9 Force, PC]

Corporeal Forces: 2 [Str 5, Agi 3]
Ethereal Forces: 4 [Int 10, Pre 6]
Celestial Forces: 3 [Will 6, Per 6]

Songs: Attraction (Ethereal/4), Memory (Ethereal/4)
Skills: Athletics/3, Bureaucracy/4, Computer Use/4, Detect Lies/2, Electronics/3, Emote/3, Fighting/2, Seduction/3

Attunement: Shedite of Lust, Djinn of Lust

Servants: Lilly (hacker) 4/1, T-Pole (dancer/sysadmin) 4/1, Bull (bouncer/programmer) 4/1, Xenopuss (AV/camgirl) 4/1

Discord: Lust/3

Farrow Offord [12 Force, Antagonist]

Corporeal Forces: 3 [Str 5, Agi 3]
Ethereal Forces: 5 [Int 11, Pre 9]
Celestial Forces: 4 [Will 7, Per 9]

Songs: Attraction (Ethereal/5), Ecstasy (Corporeal/5, Ethereal/3), Forbidding (Corporeal/2, Ethereal/3, Celestial/2), Memory (Ethereal/5), Shields (Celestial/4), Symbiosis (Corporeal/3, Ethereal/4, Celestial/2), Unity (Celestial/2)
Skills: Athletics/3, Bureaucracy/5, Computer Use/5, Detect Lies/3, Electronics/3, Emote/3, Fighting/4, Seduction/5

Attunement: Shedite of Lust, Djinn of Lust, Dark Desire

Distinctions: Knight of Infernal Pleasures, Captain of Diabolical Delight

Servants: Lilly (hacker) 5/1, Ghost (hacker) 5/1, T-Pole (dancer/sysadmin) 5/1, Bull (bouncer/programmer) 5/1, Xenopuss (AV/camgirl) 5/1, Miss Pond (facilities) 4/1, Tamagochi “familiar” 3/1

Discord: Lust/3, Need (Sex)/2

As an adversary, “Team Frog” would be playing both sides of the fence. They’d still have their government contracts, and some “legitimate” white hat hacking positions – but they’d also be involved in black hat hacking (for shits, giggles, and raising a little hell). “Fr04” would just be one of their public “identities”, though there’s a good chance that the others would also be Shedim of Lust or Technology who Farrow has decided to “train.”

The most likely in for a party would be through one of these less experienced manipulators – possibly one who got over-ambitious in their financial crimes or blackmail.

By this time “Team Frog” would not be some small 3-9 person operation, but an established “club” with a couple dozen regulars and maybe twice as many satellite members and visiting lovers. Someone moving through kink or poly spaces, or who knew someone before they became a frog might also find themselves roped into dealing with this cell of hackers.