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This post is NSFW and contains scenes of

This story is from before the Angels of the West brought their Purity Crusade to Japan – back when gods and monsters would walk the land almost as openly as mortals.

Then as now, Yanagi was a chef, and one of his regulars was an Ogre. He could have slain her, if he wished. Probably should have, too – it’s what his new boss in the West would have wanted. But in truth, he was scared. She had a great studded club and he had only the knife with which he plied his trade.

Then, one day he heard that a warrior would be paying him a call. One who would be reporting back to Yanagi’s distant boss. And he had nothing to show for it. So the Ogre offered him a deal. “Go out,” she said, “go out to sea tonight. Go cast your net and call my name seven times. Go, do this, and your wishes will come true.”

Yanagi considered stabbing the Ogre on the spot. There was little she could offer other than her own head that would satisfy the guest who would be visiting the next day. But she had her trusty club, and Yanagi was not yet ready to return to Heaven. So he set out that night, and he cast his net, and he called our for Sakari. He called out seven times before drifting off to sleep.

When the Angel awoke, his net was filled with the largest Sea Bream he had ever seen. It was not what he wished for, but it was what he had – so he sailed to shore and prepared the fish for his visitor.

When the warrior arrived, he took one look at Yanagi and at sashimi he had prepared, and congratulated the young chef, then departed without sampling a single bite.

Yanagi realized he was wrong. The Ogre had granted his dearest wish, though he was not sure how. By way of celebration, the Angel gave a sampling of his great catch to all who visited that day. Sadly the Ogre was not among them.

She did not come the next day. Or the day after that.

It was nearly four years before the Ogre returned, but Yanagi was in no fit shape to thank her. A singer of great reknown would be visiting the next day. As with the warrior, the singer would be reporting back to Yanagi’s superior to the west, and he had nothing to show for himself these past four years.

“Ah,” said the Ogre. “then you know what you must do.” And she set aside her great studded club and guided the knife with which Yanagi plied his trade into her flesh and gutted herself upon it.

Still in shock, the Angel prepared a banquet of the Ogre’s flesh.

The singer arrived the next day, took one look at Yanagi and the sashimi he had prepared, and congratulated the young chef, then departed without sampling a single bite.

This meal, this meal Yanagi could not share with his customers. So he closed up shop for a time, ate what he could, and buried the rest.

Four years after that Sakari again sat down at his shop. Yanagi sat down beside her. No Servitor of Lawrence would be visiting tomorrow. The Angel had proven himself.

“Yanagi,” she said, “Twice you have needed my aid, and twice you have dined on my flesh. I would like to survive the third time” and so Yanagi set aside the knife with which he plied his trade and she guided him down to her great studded club.

Storyteller’s Note

It should be obvious that this is not a classic fairy tale of Japan. This is my attempt to answer the question “Who was Sakari Tai’s first angelic conquest?” We know she must have had one, because Andrealphus knighted her.

It’s a question I’m likely to revisit with several of the other Demons who have received a Distinction from Andrealphus.

Yanagi, Mercurian Angel of Yanagi Knives

Corporeal Forces: 3 [Str 7, Agi 5]
Ethereal Forces: 4 [Int 5, Pre 11]
Celestial Forces: 3 [Will 5, Per 7]
Word Forces (Yanagi*): 4
* A yanagi is a Japanese chef’s knife used in the preparation of sushi

Vessel: Human/2
Role: Sushi Chef 4/5

Songs: Affinity (Ethereal/1), Essence (Corporeal/4, Ethereal/3, Celestial/3), Harmony (Ethereal/3, Celestial/3), Might (Corporeal/3), Opening (Celestial/3), Purity (Corporeal/5, Ethereal/4, Celestial/3)
Skills: Area Knowledge/1, Cooking/4, Dodge/3, Emote/4, Fishing/3, Knife/5, Sailing/3, Swimming/1, Weaponsmith/3


  • Mercurian of The Sword
  • Blade Blessing


  • Vassal of the Sword


  • A lock of Sakari Tai’s hair (well hidden)


Special Rite

  • Spend 3 hours preparing seafood dishes