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Sigil of Andrealphus - Goetia

This post deals with BDSM & coerced consent. It should be considered NSFW

Lord Morel is a porcine Djinn of Lust. He disguises himself as a respectable businessman, but sometimes he lets that disguise fall simply because he can. To lord Morel, all women are sows who neither want nor deserve anything more than to rut for men. He counts Lilim as women no matter what form they wear or how they identify.

Lord Morel is an example of an obvious evil.

The mix of sexism, bigotry, authority, and coercive practices make him a good antagonist for any party, whether angelic or infernal.

Attempts to unmask Lord Morel will likely be opposed by colleagues who respect his skill, co-conspirators who feel like they are part of the in group, community members who admire his success, and victims who are either ensorcelled or who fear the consequences to themselves or their personal lives should they speak out.

Physical attacks will likely be met by either corporate security, local police, or compelled lovers who wish to prove their loyalty by throwing themselves between Lord Morel and those who would harm him.

Lord Morel, Baron of Eternal Ecstasy

Corporeal Forces: 5 [Str 12, Agi 8]
Ethereal Forces: 3 [Int 8, Pre 4]
Celestial Forces: 4 [Will 10, Per 6]

Vessel: Human/1 (-2 charisma to women: “that guy”)
Role: Senior Partner 6/6

Songs: Attraction (Ethereal/3), Charm (Celestial/4), Calling (Corporeal/2), Ecstasy (Corporeal/3), Enslavement (Corporeal/6, Ethereal/3, Celestial/3), Forbidding (Ethereal/4), Form (Corporeal/3), Numinous Corpus (Tusks/2), Revulsion (Ethereal/2)
Skills: Battle Axe/2, Computer Use/2, Detect Lies/4, Economics/4, Farming/3, Fighting/4, Lying/6, Restraints/3, Savoire Faire/3, Seduction/2


  • Djinn of Lust
  • Dark Desire


  • Baron of Eternal Ecstasy
  • Captain of Diabolic Delight
  • Knight of Infernal Pleasures


  • Covetous/2
  • Lustful/3
  • Obese/2

Morel’s Sounder

Most of the women in Lord Morel’s circle are under his thrall to some degree or other. He quite simply can’t stand someone else having something he doesn’t (including self-respect). As a way to demonstrate his “superiority,” Lord Morel likes to publicly humiliates “his” women, or better still, get them to humiliate themselves.

Lord Morel particularly favors pig based themed humiliation like squeals, nose hooks, hog masks, and curly tailed butt plugs. He tends to come down hard on anyone who refers to him as a pig or a hog without reverence in their voice.

A Word of Caution

Lord Morel is something of a case study in why I have trouble with lusties. If you’re thinking of using him, please make sure you check on hard and soft boundaries with everyone at your gaming table (or who might end up overhearing your sessions). Even if your gamers consent to a scene doesn’t mean their roommates have.

Kink Shaming Not Required

If you have the enthusiastic consent of all involved, you can also turn the implied scenario on it’s head and play Lord Morel as the inevitable victor in a story of surrender and corruption where the players intend for their characters to fall under his control one after the other (and perhaps assist in leading each other astray).

Maybe his bigotry isn’t even gendered, but keyed to some other attribute: angels can always bow (for example).