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A few year’s ago I introduced magic girls in the form of Jupiter Command; a bunch of Soldiers who have been manipulated by a Calabite of Media. Collectively, the whole team was roughly equivalent to one PC. For a greater magical girl challenge, you may want to try throwing the Gift of the Magi at your party.

Each of the Magi is a full fledged Shedite Renegade that was found out and bound into a magical object by a powerful sorcerer with a major soft spot for magic girl anime. Whenever a mortal calls upon the power of their magical device it allows them to harness the power of the demon, but also allows it into their soul. Precisely because the Shedim are Renegades, the mortal possessing/possessed by them will start to come under attack by assorted demons of the game and infernal bounty hunters. The Gift of the Magi are more than happy to help their mortal hosts defeat these evils.

However, the Gift of the Magi are ultimately demons interested in their own objectives – generally speaking, stealth, the company of their fellow magi, the accumulation of power, and the satisfaction of their own vices. Compared to most Shedim, the Gifts of the Magi are actually quite measured in how quickly they corrupt their hosts. After all, the very bindings which tie them to mortals also make them quite vulnerable to their fellow demons, or worse still, the forces of heaven.

The mortals that the Gifts of the Magi serve/control are generally unaware of celestial politics. They see each other as allies and all other Celestials as either threats or enemies. It also means that from time to time the social hierarchy of the magical girls will run counter to the hierarchy of the demons who power them.

As for the original sorcerer, he’s been missing for decades.

Meet The Magic Girls

Note: the Gifts of the Magi are only being identified by their Magical Girl names. I’m open to ideas regarding the underlying demons or their current hosts.

Magus Igni

Unsurprisingly, Magus Igni has a fiery personality – prone to bold proclamations and impetuous action. It’s not entirely clear what caused this Corrupter to spit from Belial‘s horde. Perhaps it’s that she still cares to much to burn it all, but she’s still a firebug. Specialty: Song of Fire

Magus Terra

A well grounded demon with a somewhat mechanical bent. Before the fall she served alongside Michael, later she backed Abaddon‘s, but for a long time she’s been truly independent. She’s the best in the crew at singing the Songs of Might and Motion.

Magus Ventus

Once an angel of wind and later one of Legion, Magus Ventus has come to value her individuality, which she will not compromise for anyone. And yes, this may make her a demonic diva dream girl to some, but she’s got a will and a bow to oppose any who would hitch her to the chariot of their own self-improvement. She’s also not half bad with Songs of Self, Storms, and Thunder.

Magus Aquarius

Philosopher, tactician, and leader of the Gifts of the Magi. She was once an able seawoman under Vehpar‘s command, but since his death she’s abandoned his gifts and dissonance and developed a greater and greater taste for command. Her specialties include the Songs of Water and Ice. She has 10 Forces.

Magus Dilectio

This snake in the grass is not a renegade, but a fully loyal servitor of Andrealphus. Perhaps she was a Renegade once, but a night of her Superior’s attention has reminded her why she serves. She feigns altruistic love but what she really wants to do is convince the rest of the Gifts to serve the Prince of Lust. Absent that, she’ll slowly teach her host the joys of the flesh, and maybe some of the other girls as well.

Magus Miram

This one-time servitor of Gebbeleth is solitary in nature. She can be convinced to work with the other Gifts of the Magi, but generally finds the company of other to be taxing. She specializes in stealth and assassination. She has 10 Forces.

Magus Aurarius

Originally an angel of light who joined Genubath after the fall. She wants to become the leader of the Gifts, and will take command from Aquarius if she falters. Her specialty is Songs of Light. She has 10 Forces.

Magus Tus

Once a servator of Meserach, Magus Tus is the most magestic and comforting of the Gifts. She is warm, stately, and her every step is wreathed in the smell of desert resins. She probably has a wider repertoire of Songs than most of the gifts, but specializes in the Healing, Harmony and Solace.

Magus Myrra

An ambitious, twice sealed demon of Factions. She is a conniving, implacable administrator with little interest in visible leadership. Her specialties include the Songs of Seals, Silence, and Shattering.


A miniature pig Familiar who is allowed a great deal of autonomy. He will assist and advise any of the magical girls, though he tends to use them in self serving ways when they let him get away with it (belly pats, extra food, getting him named to student councils, &c), but only Magus Aquarius is able to take full advantage of the Familiar abilities. Oinkus doesn’t remember anything about his past, but he is positive he was never a demon nor an angel.

Shared Experience

You may have noticed that none of these descriptions are enough to build a full character. Except as otherwise noted, each of the Gifts of the Magi is a 9 Force Renegade with the Bound discord and the following three songs: Numinous Corpus (Magic Girl), Ethereal Song of Oblivion, Celestial Song of Shields.

A magic girl who is “on duty” or who has been alerted to danger will generally Sing their Numinous Corpus before encountering the party. No matter how the Magic Girls outfit appears, it gives the same bonus as Leather.

At the beginning of a conflict, one of the magical girls will create a “barrier” (Sing the Celestial Song of Shields). The girls are led by their demons to believe that this is a form of protection, but it’s really to keep other Celestials from realizing what’s going on until the magic girls have already moved on.

At the end of a fight a magic girl typically will “grant the tortured soul peace” by Singing the Ethereal Song of Oblivion (directed by the Shedim to remove any memories of the demon).

If one of the girls gets “fully corrupted” by her demon, other girls will gang up to put her down. If she is defeated they will remove her gem and her memories and Oinkus will begin questing for a new girl to take up the curio.

Unfortunately, the woman left behind will retain the personality her demon created, but without the relevant memories they will feel to her like a natural progression of growing up and maturing.